Monday, October 09, 2006

Mange attack!

Brownie has mange on his forehead and has lost most of his hair on his wrinkled forehead (you can't see his beautiful wrinkles anymore). The Vet says dogs usually get this kind of mange from their mothers when they are young puppies and does not happen to adult pugs unless if they are stressed or have low immune system. I noticed a slight pink spot two weeks ago but did not think much about it. I have been out of town for a week and left the boys at a pet hotel. Perhaps the stress of being away from me made the mange fully breakout. Poor Brownie! :(

He looks so fragile with his bald pink poor Browner...he is currently laying down next to me with his mouth over his favorite brown horse snake plush toy, eyes closed, and occassionally getting up to look around and bite his toy. So cute even when sick.

Has anyone's adult pug have mange before?


.:*PugLove*:. said...

Sadie was diagnosed with the mange at her spay when I noticed two purple/gray quater size circles right by her armpits. It was quicly treated with some medicine and it's never come back. This was approx. 6 to 8 months old.

L said...

My Winston was diagnosed 6 weeks ago with localized Demodex. He had a wee bald patch above his eye. The vet has had him on meds for the past 6 weeks and he hasn't lost any more hair, and the lost hair is beginning to grow back.

Stress is a huge factor about why dogs lost more hair, so be as lovely as possible to your pug.

Most of all, make sure the pup gets a good amount of exercise and doesn't eat foods with a lot of yeast because that's what the mites live off of.

Good luck!

lalagirl said...

lmizzle -

I think that is the same thing Brownie has. His diagnosis says Demodectic Manage. I hope Winston's hair gros back completely! Thanks for your tips! I will have to pay more attention to his diet and exercise. You would think 24/7 being together, sleeping together, he would be happy and content! Such an attention hog! :)