Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Why does Brown like to put his mouth over his toy and fall asleep?

Brownie Sleeping

A while back I had mention how cute it is when Brownie sleeps. He absolutely loves to put his mouth over his favorite toys and then slowly falls asleep...his eyes droops slowly and he can't stand it anymore but to close them and then he will open them again to lick his toy, chew it a little, and then back to quick nap. This is his favorite toy in the world. It's a horse in the shape of a snake. He loves his snake, turtle, and octapus which all have squeaker and tons of legs for him to easier drag all around the house, even on to Mom & Dad's bed! It is hard to describe so I added some animated pictures. Is this a pug thing or a dog thing? Brownie is crazy for toys...but not that much for food like his brother Pork, is he a pug (what type of pug doesn't like to eat...uummm)?

Porky guarding the house at his usual stairway post...a little tired today from security job!


We thought it was only fair Pork got a picture in here since he is the oldest and the one who won us over to pug domination...he doesn't get as much attention since he is very independent and does not like to be bothered. Hwe is well known for your patrolpug job. Brownie loves attention and being close to Mom 24/7. His job is to be lazy, naughty, and get lots of kisses!

Now Pork is snoozing and enjoying nap but alast...the camera has retired for the night. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

New pictures of the fabulous bald pug!


Now that both Porky and Brownie are well again, we are back on track with posting to our blog and taking pictures. As you will see, we have not posted pictures in a while since Brownie has been bald and Porky has just been sick. Now, pictures are available! Please excuse the bald spot, he is healing from mange.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Still bald but has not gotten worse!

Brownie's balding has stopped but the hair he did loose has not grown back. I have been giving him Ivermectin for the last week and he had a flea collar on for a few days. I hope the bald spot goes away since he has beautiful wrinkles (if you see his picture on the right, he has show quality, per my pug books, wrinkles which you can not see anymore...sob sob). The only constant stress he has is punking around with his brother Porky but they do that all the time. I can't imagine that stressing him out to the point of having low immunity to mange attack. Hhmmm...I will do some further investigation and see...

Monday, October 09, 2006

Mange attack!

Brownie has mange on his forehead and has lost most of his hair on his wrinkled forehead (you can't see his beautiful wrinkles anymore). The Vet says dogs usually get this kind of mange from their mothers when they are young puppies and does not happen to adult pugs unless if they are stressed or have low immune system. I noticed a slight pink spot two weeks ago but did not think much about it. I have been out of town for a week and left the boys at a pet hotel. Perhaps the stress of being away from me made the mange fully breakout. Poor Brownie! :(

He looks so fragile with his bald pink head...my poor Browner...he is currently laying down next to me with his mouth over his favorite brown horse snake plush toy, eyes closed, and occassionally getting up to look around and bite his toy. So cute even when sick.

Has anyone's adult pug have mange before?