I have thought long and hard about what to give the boys. I realize they get treats and toys all the time but have not gotten a new bed in a while. They share a huge circular pillow bed which has holes all over it thanks to Brownie, who thinks he is a pug cat and loves to scratch at things. I am now deciding on whether I should get them one big bed again, or get them two smaller beds of their very own. It's tricky because whenever there are two of anything, they like to pee on it and mark their territory, especially with beds (this happened so many times with their old beds, we stopped buying beds). I am lookiing at this AY Rover custom made plush dog bed with handsewn initials. It comes in different colors, is hypoallergenic, easy to take off cover and wash, has lining inside to prevent pee from penetrating inner cushions, and has a simple modern design. If we decide to get one big bed, then we will have to choose which one to get. I like the Capri, the Sniffany & Co. bed, Skull Red Plaid Lilybeds, and the Phoebe Mission Style Dog Bed. Which one do you guys think is a better idea? Individual beds or shared beds? Would they be happier just sharing and cuddling in one bed?