Friday, September 08, 2006

don't forget to help the homeless puggies...

I was playing around with some of our old photos by making quick collages (see above)for some fun holiday card ideas. We had a lot of fun with our friends whom we met through pug rescue volunteering. I got to thinking about the hurrican and the poor homeless, abandoned dogs (pugs in particular of course). If you are reading this and have made it here, you are probably a crazed and smitten pet parent. Please feel free to read my stories and comment on your experiences. I want to thank my good friends, Daiju and Cindy, and their girls, Rosie and Goldielocks, for the wonderufl pictures, sharing great pug memories at all the pug socials and rescue events, being there during the puppy years, and of course, for inspiring me to get a second pug! We miss the play dates and picnics at the Rose Bowl!'s been almost two years! I would suggest all pet parents and those who want to volunteer their time and want to get involved with helping animals, get active and volunteer your time to rescues and your local humane society. If you don't like getting dirty or are not cut out for volunteer work, make a donation! You will feel better for it and it's tax deductible.

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