This month's pug meetup was so much fun...lots of puggies showed up dressed up in their best and looking fabulous! Now we included some teasers below but spend some time looking at all the uploaded pictures on FLICKR. Since there were 100+ pictures taken, most of the non-pug pictures were not included since let's face it, this is for pug lovers! Hehehe...all dogs are cute but pugs are the best!

This puggy preferred to hang out with her human and not get dirty...she kept posing for us! So cute!

This is Hank (the tank) Pug. We just met Hank and he is like Pork's long lost brother...have same physical attribute (body and tail), and same temperment and personality (extremely outgoing, likes to play rough, and a always a bad ass!). Hank LOVES to swim! He took quite a few dips...unfortunately some crazy dog park staff decided to dye the pond water red...for Valentines Days?!

Close up of Hank...he is very handsome...but sorry Hank, Porky is the George Clooney of Pugs. You can be the Robert DeNiro of Pugs since you are older. :)

Senior Puggies chilling out and having some mature fun...

I love hanging out with Senior Pugs man...I am everyone's best friend as I am mature for my age.

What kind of dog are you? i never seen you here before...

Don't I look so fabulous close up?!

The fashionable pugs hanging stuck up!

Stop touching me! I don't know you. I want my Mommy...where are you Momma?

Momma is calling me with treaties...I am coming Mom!

I am getting a ittle tired from doing my rounds of socializing with all the different pugs...preppy stuck up group, shy group, senior pugs, pup puppies, and all the crazy humans...where to next? Did I miss anyone? hmmm...I wonder if anyone brought treats...

Dude...Mom wants me to hang out with Brownie for picturesbut he's boring. He is too much of an intravert for me. I need my own freedom Mom!

Momma wants me to socialize but I just want to go home and play with my toys...

Can't wait to go home and play wit my toys!